Mineral wool lev thiab nws cov yam ntxwv

Cov txheej txheem:

Mineral wool lev thiab nws cov yam ntxwv
Mineral wool lev thiab nws cov yam ntxwv

Video: Mineral wool lev thiab nws cov yam ntxwv

Video: Mineral wool lev thiab nws cov yam ntxwv
Video: Modern American Beef Processing Factory | Modern Technology Lines On Another Level 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Mineral wool lev yog cov khoom siv thermal rwb thaiv tsev ntawm kev ua kom muaj zog, uas muaj elasticity thiab yooj. Cov khoom no tsis tsuas yog nce thermal rwb thaiv tsev, tab sis kuj muaj kev nyab xeeb hluav taws kub. Nws muaj peev xwm tswj tau qhov kub thiab txias ntawm chav tsev thiab tiv thaiv ntau yam qauv los ntawm kev hloov pauv kub sai.

mineral wool lev
mineral wool lev

Stitched ntxhia wool mats yog cov khoom lag luam nthuav tawm hauv daim ntawv hloov pauv ntawm cov txheej txheem ntawm cov ntxhia wool, uas tuaj yeem ua kab nrog fiberglass lossis hlau mesh ntawm ib lossis ob sab.

pierced mineral wool lev
pierced mineral wool lev

Cov lev no kuj ua rau lwm hom:

Nyob tsis tau cover;

nrog fiberglass hauv ob sab phlu;

kab nrog fiberglass thiab hlau mesh;

nrog fiberglass hauv ob sab

yam ntxwv

Mineral wool lev muaj cov yam ntxwv tseem ceeb hauv qab no:

nce thermal rwb thaiv tsev, uas yog ua tiav los ntawm cov ntxhia wool impregnated nrog roj, tom qab ntawd nws tau kho nrog dej soapy;

txo suab nrov vim cov khoom tuab;

moisture resistance;

siab hluav taws kub;

ua los ntawm ib puag ncig cov ntaub ntawv;

lub ntsiab tseem ceeb yog kev ua haujlwm ntev thiab kev ua haujlwm ntev

Scope of application

Lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb ntawm Minmat yog cov thermal rwb thaiv tsev ntawm ntau yam qauv ntawm ob qho tib si kev lag luam thiab cov tsev nyob. Cov khoom no cais ntau yam kev lag luam thoob, khoom siv rau kev siv zog thiab lub hom phiaj. Vim tias cov khoom siv hluav taws xob ntau ntxiv, nws kuj tseem siv rau cov kav dej thermal, uas yog vim li cas cov ntxhia wool tau pom nws daim ntawv thov dav hauv kev lag luam.

Mineral wool lev kuj siv los thaiv cov phab ntsa nyias, hauv pem teb, qab nthab thiab ru tsev. Vim lub suab rwb thaiv tsev, cov khoom siv no yog siv rau qhov cua tshuab.

Pros of mineral wool lev

Qhov txiaj ntsig tseem ceeb ntawm Minmat yog nws lub peev xwm tsis tso cua sov los ntawm chav tsev thiab lwm yam qauv, hluav taws kub tsis kam thiab ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg, lub neej ntev. Tsis tas li qhov tseem ceeb ntxiv yog qhov tseeb tias cov ntxhia wool lev tiv taus ntau yam kab mob.

Minmat care

Cov ntaub plaub ntxhia yuav tsum muab cia rau hauv tsev, hauv cov thawv lossis ntawm pallets los tiv thaiv los ntawm huab cua los nag. Nws tseem tsim nyog los tiv thaiv lawv ntawm av thiab kev puas tsuaj.

Minmat tuaj yeem khaws cia tsis pub dhau 12 lub hlis, thiab lub neej kev pabcuam yog 20 xyoo.

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