Samsung Refrigerators: tshuaj xyuas, tshuaj xyuas cov qauv, specifications

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Samsung Refrigerators: tshuaj xyuas, tshuaj xyuas cov qauv, specifications
Samsung Refrigerators: tshuaj xyuas, tshuaj xyuas cov qauv, specifications

Video: Samsung Refrigerators: tshuaj xyuas, tshuaj xyuas cov qauv, specifications

Video: Samsung Refrigerators: tshuaj xyuas, tshuaj xyuas cov qauv, specifications
Video: Visa-Free Entry in Europe | Countries Where Pakistanis Can Go Without Visa 2024, Lub kaum hli ntuj

Nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb niaj hnub no, txhua leej txhua tus twb tau siv cov khoom siv hauv tsev uas ua rau lub neej yooj yim heev. Txawm tias ib puas xyoo dhau los, tib neeg muaj teeb meem khaws zaub mov kom ntev. Tab sis txij li xyoo 1927, cov tub yees tau pib nthuav dav dav. Thiab txawm tias tam sim no nws yog ib qho nyuaj rau kev xav txog vaj tse yam tsis muaj chav tsev no, uas yuav pab khaws cov zaub mov tshiab rau lub sijhawm ntev. Tam sim no, muaj ntau lub tuam txhab uas tsim cov tub yees rau kev siv hauv tsev. Tab sis, tej zaum, ib qho ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws, uas tau ua tiav kev ua haujlwm zoo, zoo thiab pom hauv nws cov khoom, yog Samsung.

Ob chav tub yees - ib qho kev daws teeb meem

Ob chav tub yees
Ob chav tub yees

Qhov kev daws teeb meem zoo tshaj plaws rau kev khaws khoom noj hauv tsev yog kev sib xyaw ntawm lub tub yees thiab lub tub yees - lub npe hu ua ob lub thawv tub yees. Qhov no yog tsim rau txhua tsev neeg, qhov tsim ntawm yuav luag txhua chav ua noj. Xws likev sib xyaw ua ke tso cai rau koj khaws cov khoom noj tshiab thiab khoom noj, thiab npaj rau yav tom ntej - piv txwv li, khov nqaij lossis txiv hmab txiv ntoo.

Cov tsos ntawm Korean hom tub yees kuj txawv ntawm cov xim nplua nuj. Koj tuaj yeem xaiv yuav luag txhua chav ua noj sab hauv. Cov xim muaj rau ob qho tib si tsaus nti thiab lub teeb chav ua noj. Samsung nyiaj tub yees tau txais cov lus pom zoo. Lawv yog cov muaj ntau yam tshaj plaws rau txhua chav ua noj.


qhov chaw sab hauv
qhov chaw sab hauv

Ntxiv rau qhov zoo nkauj zoo nkauj, ob chav tub yees "Samsung" muaj ergonomics zoo heev. Cov chav sab hauv yog qhov dav heev, thiab ua tsaug rau qee qhov kev daws teeb meem (piv txwv li, Yooj Yim Slide rub-tawm txee, uas tau teeb tsa rau ntawm cov pob khawm tig), koj tuaj yeem tshem tawm cov khoom uas tau muab tso rau ntawm phab ntsa.

Txee yooj yim swb
Txee yooj yim swb

Lwm qhov yooj yim yog qhov tsim ntawm Lub Thawv Qhib Qhib Lub freezer tub rau khoom. Nws tso cai rau lub tub rau khoom rub tawm tag nrho txawm tias lub qhov rooj qhib tsuas yog 90º.

tub rau khoom freezer
tub rau khoom freezer

Teeb pom kev ua tiav nrog LED backlight. Nws maj mam thiab tib lub sijhawm ci ntsa iab tag nrho qhov chaw ntawm lub tub yees thiab khaws cov zaub mov tuaj yeem pom tau yooj yim.

Lub qhov rooj ntawm Samsung lub tub yees tau nruab nrog tshwj xeeb tsim cov txee loj rau lub raj mis loj lossis siab. Tsis tas li ntawd, cov txee tuaj yeem txav tau yooj yim hauv lub dav hlau ntawm lub qhov rooj, yog li muab qhov tsim nyogqhov chaw thiab yooj yim ntawm kev tso rau lub raj mis.

qhov rooj capacious
qhov rooj capacious

Samsung cov tub yees niaj hnub siv lawv cov cuab yeej cuab tam los tshem tawm cov ntxhiab hu ua SilverPlus. Cov txheej txheem no muaj cov txheej txheem ua los ntawm cov fibers ntuj thiab cov lim uas ntes cov khoom thiab cov molecules ntawm cov ntxhiab tsw. Ua tsaug rau qhov system no, yuav tsis muaj ntxhiab tsw ntxhiab hauv lub tub yees. Raws li tus tswv kev tshuaj xyuas ntawm Samsung lub tub yees, lub SilverPlus system tshem tawm cov ntxhiab tsw phem tshaj plaws thiab cov khoom lag luam yuav tsis khaws cov ntxhiab tsw txawv teb chaws.

Fresh zone

ceev txias lub thawv
ceev txias lub thawv

Ib qho khoom cais hauv Samsung lub tub yees yog thaj chaw tshiab. Nws tseem hu ua Cool Select Zone. Nws muaj cov tsos ntawm ib lub tub rau khoom, ntxiv rau, nws kuj yog hermetically kaw. Samsung tau ua nws tsis yog tsuas yog thaj chaw tshiab xwb, tab sis kuj tau ntxiv ntau lub luag haujlwm: lub thawv no tuaj yeem siv los ua "zero chamber" lossis lub kaw nrawm nrawm. Nyob rau hauv tag nrho, lub thawv no muaj tsib hom. Tus neeg siv tau yooj yim txias dej sai sai lossis, siv Super Freeze hom, khov zaub, thaum khaws lawv cov txiaj ntsig zoo thiab cov vitamins. Yog li ntawd lub Cool Select Zone zoo li lub tub yees hauv lub tub yees. Cool Select Zone kev khiav hauj lwm hom yog tswj siv cov zaub, uas yog nyob rau ntawm lub qhov rooj khoom.

Los ntawm ergonomics mus rau thev naus laus zis

Tab sis yog tias kev kho kom zoo nkauj sab hauv thiab kev npaj cov txee ntawm lwm hom khoom siv thiab Samsung lub tub yees zoo li yuav luag zoo ib yam,Tom qab ntawd Samsung engineers mus txog kev txhim kho cov txheej txheem kev ua haujlwm compressor heev scrupulously. Tseeb, kev ua haujlwm ntawm compressor tuaj yeem hu ua qhov tseeb ntxiv nrog rau tsab ntawv loj. Samsung tub yees siv Digital Inverter Compressor compressors. R-600A freon lossis, raws li nws tseem hu ua, isobutane, yog siv los ua cov tub yees. Lub inverter tso cai rau koj maj mam thiab hloov kho cov haujlwm ntawm lub compressor nyob ntawm qhov kub thiab txias, cov khoom thauj khoom, qhov ntau zaus ntawm qhov qhib qhov rooj. Ua tsaug rau lub inverter, lub compressor yuav kav ntev. Tsis tas li ntawd, lub inverter compressor muaj zog heev: Samsung lub tub yees tau ntsuas A +.

Kev tswj hwm

tub yees tso saib
tub yees tso saib

Tam sim no, cov khoom siv niaj hnub no feem ntau tau nruab nrog cov lus qhia digital uas tso cai rau koj los tswj kev ua haujlwm ntawm chav tsev. Samsung tub yees tso saib yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws. Lawv muaj ib tug yooj yim tsim, ib tug intuitive ntawv qhia zaub mov, nyees khawm los yog sensors yog heev rhiab heev rau kov, uas txhais tau hais tias lub ntaus ntawv yuav hloov mus rau lub teev hom sai heev. Samsung lub tub yees tso saib muaj lub teeb xiav ua rau cov cim nyeem yooj yim dua.

Kev tiv thaiv tub yees

Samsung equis nws cov khoom siv nrog ib qho tseem ceeb nthuav dav - VoltControl system, uas yog tsim los tiv thaiv lub tub yees los ntawm surges thiab surges nyob rau hauv lub tsev network. Qhov no system smooths tawm lub sij hawm luv luv zog surges thiab disconnects khoom los ntawm lub network nyob rau hauv cov kev tshwm sim uasvoltage yog nce mus ntev. Tom qab qhov hluav taws xob rov qab mus rau qhov qub, lub kaw lus yuav cia li txuas lub tub yees mus rau lub mains. Ua tsaug rau qhov system no, kev pabcuam lub neej ntawm cov cuab yeej siv tau nce ntxiv. Tsis tas li ntawd, raws li kev tshuaj xyuas ntawm Samsung lub tub yees los ntawm cov neeg nyob hauv cheeb tsam uas muaj hluav taws xob tsis zoo, VoltControl system tau rov ua dua lub tsev ntawm kev puas tsuaj.

Tsis muaj Frost

Cov khoom siab haum yooj yim
Cov khoom siab haum yooj yim

Samsung tub yees tau nruab nrog "No Frost", uas tiv thaiv kev tsim cov dej khov rau ntawm phab ntsa ntawm chav tsev. Ua tsaug rau qhov system no, icing txo qis rau xoom thiab tsis tas yuav tsum tau defrosting ntau zaus. Tab sis, txawm tias qhov system no, chav tsev yuav tsum tau defrosted tsawg kawg ib xyoos ib zaug. Raws li kev tshuaj xyuas ntawm Samsung lub tub yees, lub No Frost system yog ntsiag to.

Qhov muaj txiaj ntsig zoo uas tau siv hauv cov tub yees no yuav yog "hnub so". Thiab yog tias muaj ntau lub tuam txhab txhais tau hais tias los ntawm qhov no tsuas yog ua haujlwm txuag hluav taws xob, ces Samsung tau suav nrog qee yam ntxiv hauv nws. Qhov kev ua haujlwm no tuaj yeem tsis tsuas yog txo qis kev siv hluav taws xob ntawm chav tsev, tab sis kuj tseem tua lub tub yees kom tag. Yog li, thaum lub sijhawm ncua sijhawm (hnub so), tsuas yog lub tub yees yuav ua haujlwm.

Samsung RB-37 J5200WW

Samsung RB-33 J3400WW
Samsung RB-33 J3400WW

Ob chav tub yees nrog cov txheej txheem ua haujlwm. High-quality vaj tse, soundly ua hluav taws xob tswj, tsawg zog noj. Txee cov ntsiab lus txuasoptimally nyob, thiab txhua tus neeg siv tuaj yeem teeb tsa lawv raws li nws yooj yim rau nws. Lub tub yees yog rhiab heev rau cov chaw. Nyob rau hauv muaj ib tug capacious freshness cheeb tsam, nyob rau hauv no lub tub yees nws yog qhuav. Muaj "hnub so", super-freezing ntawm cov zaub mov, ib tug txias preservation hom, thiab ua tsaug rau cov tsis siv neeg defrosting hom, koj muaj peev xwm tsis nco qab txog defrosting lub tub yees rau ntev.

Samsung RB-37 J5200WW yog qhov ua haujlwm zoo heev, nws tsis muaj hom superfluous thiab tsis tsim nyog. Nws yog roomy, lub ergonomics ntawm lub chambers yog nyob rau hauv ib qhov siab, lub electronics tswj yog txhim khu kev qha thiab yooj yim, cov chaw yog kho nrog cov nyees khawm ntawm cov zaub. Nrog kev ua haujlwm ntawm khov thiab txias, lub tub yees ua haujlwm zoo heev.

Samsung RB-33 J3400WW

Samsung RB-37 J5200WW
Samsung RB-37 J5200WW

Lub tub yees no muaj qhov chaw zoo sab hauv ntawm chav tsev. Cov khoom lag luam hauv cov ntim khoom tsis yog qauv tau yooj yim muab tso rau hauv nws, qhov chaw raug suav kom siv tag nrho thaj chaw siv tau. Lub qhov rooj ntawm lub tub yees no tsim nyog saib xyuas tshwj xeeb. Korean engineers coj mus rau hauv tus account lub qub shortcomings thiab kho lawv: tam sim no lub qhov rooj yog txawm peem rau nrog ib tug loj hnab tshos uas yuav tuav tau cov khoom siab (lub raj mis, mis nyuj tetra packs, thiab lwm yam).

Lub tub yees muaj tus qauv tsim uas tso cai rau cov tub rau khoom xaub tawm yooj yim rau lawv qhov tob. Qhov no yuav ua kom yooj yim tshem tawm cov khoom.

Chav tsev no tsis muaj hom ntxiv xws li "hnub so", lub sijhawm kaw suab, lub tshuab xa dej. Hmoov tsis zoo, cov qauv no tsis muaj cov tshuaj tua kab mob, cov ntxhiab lim thiab tsis muajwatch.

Samsung RL-52 TEBIH

Samsung RL-52 TSI
Samsung RL-52 TSI

Qhov chaw sab hauv ntawm lub tub yees compartment yog xav thiab ergonomic. Lub pob tawb cia rau txiv hmab txiv ntoo thiab zaub yog dav heev. Lub tub yees yog nruab nrog ib qho chaw qhuav xoom. Muaj xya lub tais dav ntawm lub qhov rooj, uas ua rau kom qhov chaw cia khoom noj tau zoo heev.

Muaj peb lub tub rau khoom hauv lub tub yees, yuav luag sib npaug hauv ntim. Qhov no yuav tso cai rau koj kom khov ntau cov zaub mov yam tsis muaj kev siv zog ntau, tab sis nws yuav muaj teeb meem los muab cov nqaij loj tshwj xeeb rau ntawd. Ntxiv rau lub thawv khoom noj loj, lub tub yees tseem muaj lub tub rau khoom me me rau cov dej khov thiab khov ntau yam me me. Lub qhov rooj ntawm cov qauv no tau nruab nrog lub teeb pom kev zoo LED uas tso cai rau koj los teeb tsa qhov xav tau kub hauv chav tub yees los ntawm kev nias lub khawm kov.

Display Samsung RL-52 TEBIH
Display Samsung RL-52 TEBIH

Lub qhov rooj ntawm lub tub yees yog ntxiv los ntawm lub teeb muag muag, qhov muag pom kev. Chav tsev no tau nruab nrog Tsis Muaj Frost system thiab tiv thaiv condensate. Qhov no yuav tiv thaiv kab mob thiab pwm los ntawm kev tsim. Tsis tas li ntawd, lub tub yees tau nruab nrog ntau lub tshuab ua kom txias, uas ua rau cov khoom siv txias txias thiab, vim li ntawd, lawv cov kev khaws cia zoo dua. Tus qauv muaj qhov ntsiag to inverter compressor.

tag nrho

Txhua yam hais txog Samsung lub tub yees, peb tuaj yeem hais tias lawv yog cov tshuaj zoo rau txhua hom chav ua noj. Txaus nyiam tsos thiab nplua nuj xim, nthuav tsim. Assembly yog heevzoo. Rau tag nrho cov no, ntau qhov kev tshuaj xyuas zoo txog Samsung lub tub yees tau tso tseg los ntawm lawv cov tswv.

Tsis muaj Frost system yuav cawm koj ntawm kev defrosting tsis tu ncua. High-zoo antibacterial txheej tiv thaiv tsw. Yooj yim thiab meej zaub. Cool Select Zone muaj tsib hom kev khiav hauj lwm thiab yuav pab tau koj sai sai txias dej qab zib los yog khaws cov zaub mov tshiab. Lub ergonomics ntawm lub tub yees thiab lub freezing chamber yog xav tawm mus rau qhov tsawg tshaj plaws nthuav dav. Ntau hom kev sib txawv ntawm super-freezing mus rau "hnub so" ua rau Samsung lub tub yees siv tau yooj yim. Kev siv hluav taws xob hauv chav kawm A + lav kev siv hluav taws xob tsawg. Tsis tas li ntawd, kev ua haujlwm ntsiag to ntawm inverter compressor yuav tsis ua rau muaj teeb meem tsis tsim nyog thiab suab nrov. Yog, thiab nws yuav kav ntau tshaj li kaum xyoo. Tag nrho cov pluses no ua rau Samsung lub tub yees zoo tshaj plaws. Cov kws tsim qauv, cov neeg tsim qauv ntawm lub tuam txhab tau ua lawv qhov zoo tshaj plaws: yog tias koj xaiv ntawm cov tuam txhab, cov lus teb yog qhov pom tseeb, tab sis yog tias ntawm Samsung lub tub yees qauv, ces koj yuav tsum tau sim ntau - nws nyuaj rau xaiv qhov zoo tshaj plaws.

Pom zoo: