Xim "wallis plum": piav qhia, duab. Wallis plum xim rooj tog hauv sab hauv

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Xim "wallis plum": piav qhia, duab. Wallis plum xim rooj tog hauv sab hauv
Xim "wallis plum": piav qhia, duab. Wallis plum xim rooj tog hauv sab hauv

Video: Xim "wallis plum": piav qhia, duab. Wallis plum xim rooj tog hauv sab hauv

Video: Xim
Video: Kruskal Wallis MKT 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Hnub no, tsim kev tsim ntawm lawv chav tsev, tib neeg tau saib tsis taus txog kev xaiv xim. Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb tias qhov ntxoov ntxoo ntawm ntoo, textiles thiab lwm qhov chaw nyob rau hauv lub xeev ntawm kev sib haum xeeb, txwv tsis pub lub sab hauv yuav tsis ua kom tiav thiab tiav. Niaj hnub no peb yuav tham txog ib qho kev vam meej ntxoov ntxoo uas cov rooj tog ntoo tuaj yeem nthuav tawm - "wallis plum". Puas yog nws nrov heev hauv peb lub sijhawm tsuas yog vim nws suav tias yog bohemian thiab tib lub sijhawm universal?

Siv intro

Raws li Coco Chanel tau hais, zam tsis yog hnav khaub ncaws thiab hnav xwb. Nws kuj yog txoj kev, tsev, tsheb, cov neeg nyob ib puag ncig koj, thiab txawm tias huab cua. Tau kawg, nws txhais tau hais tias lub tswv yim ntawm kev zam suav nrog txhua yam uas nyob ib sab ntawm peb, suav nrog rooj tog. Txij li thaum nyob rau hauv peb lub sij hawm tib neeg them tshwj xeeb mloog mus rau sab hauv tsim, ib tug uncountable tus naj npawb ntawm ntxoov tau tsim nyob rau hauv uas ntoo yog tinted thiabcov ntaub ntawv ntoo chips. Ntawm lawv, tsis yog qhov chaw kawg yog nyob los ntawm cov xim "wallis plum". Peb nco ntsoov tam sim ntawd tias nws lub npe tsis tshua muaj sib xws nrog qhov ntxoov ntxoo ntawm cov ntoo ntawm cov ntoo sib xws; es, muaj qee qhov zoo li cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo. Lub npe no tsis muaj dab tsi tab sis kev lag luam ploy: zoo nkauj thiab ntxim nyiam, ntxim nyiam ntawm cov neeg siv khoom. Yog li ntawd yog dab tsi, qhov cherished xim?

wallis plum rooj tog
wallis plum rooj tog

Ntxhais lus piav qhia

Koj puas tau hnov cov plaub hau xim "platinum xim av", lossis, raws li nws feem ntau hu ua, "frosty xim av"? Treasured xim tswvyim rau cov poj niam niaj hnub, uas belongs rau lub txias palette, tab sis nyob rau tib lub sij hawm muaj softness thiab warmth. Qhov no yog qhov ntxoov ntxoo ntawm plum wallis zoo li, uas yog siv los tsim cov rooj tog ntoo. Nws tuav lub ntsiab woody pigment - xim av, tab sis nws yog complemented los ntawm grey thiab pearl sau ntawv, uas ua rau nws ntau nruab nrab thiab "txias". Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb uas yuav tsum nco ntsoov tias ua ntej cov ntoo nyob rau sab hauv tau nthuav tawm tsuas yog hauv cov xim sov - liab, xim av, lub teeb xim av, reddish thiab lwm yam. Txhua lub suab txias uas tau tshwm sim hauv peb lub sijhawm, suav nrog qhov no, yog cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo ntawm kev ua haujlwm ntawm cov neeg tsim qauv thiab cov kws tshuaj. Tab sis qhov tshwm sim tshaj txhua qhov kev cia siab. "Plum wallis" zoo nkaus li ntuj thiab muaj kuab heev, thiab thaum saib qhov ntxoov ntxoo ntawm cov rooj tog zaum, ib tug tau txais kev xav uas peb muaj ua ntej peb - ib tug tshwj xeeb yug ntawm cov ntoo tsis tshua muaj, qhib tsuas yog cov kua roj vanish pob tshab.

Versatility is the key to success

Yog ib yam khoom lossiscov khoom yog universal, nws yeej ua nrov heev. Zaj dab neeg no yog hais txog peb cov plum ntxoov ntxoo, uas yog siv los tsim cov rooj tog ntoo thiab pseudo-ntoo. Thaum xub thawj siab ib muag, nws zoo li hais tias xws li ib tug txias xim, thiab txawm nrog ib tug violet admixture, los ntawm tsis muaj txhais tau tias yuav universal. Ntau tus hais tias xws li rooj tog yuav haum tsuas yog rau hauv tshwj xeeb hom ntawm interiors - los ntawm high-tech qeb thiab lwm yam. Qhov tseeb, wallis plum rooj tog yuav organically ntxiv ob qho tib si classic thiab niaj hnub interiors. Nws yuav muaj feem cuam tshuam rau hauv chaw sov thiab Scandinavian vaj tsev, nyob rau hauv ib chav tsev zoo tib yam thiab nyob rau hauv ib lub tsev loj. Qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws, qhov ntxoov ntxoo zoo li organic nrog txhua qhov tsim ntawm rooj tog nws tus kheej. Nov yog qhov nruab nrab nruab nrab uas yuav pab tsim kev sib npaug thiab kev nplij siab hauv koj lub tsev.

Natural ntoo

Peb twb tau sau tseg saum toj no tias lub npe ntawm cov rooj tog zaum no tsis muaj dab tsi cuam tshuam nrog cov xim ntawm ib hom ntoo - nws yog cuav. Feem ntau, lub npe no tuaj yeem pom nyob rau hauv qeb ntawm cov ntaub ntawv ntoo-shaving, tab sis ntuj ntoo, alas, tsis poob rau hauv cov lus no. Tab sis lub tswv yim xim tau ua tiav zoo heev, thiab cov neeg uas nyiam muab lawv lub tsev nrog cov rooj tog zaum hauv chav kawm tau nyiam nws. Zoo, tsis ntev lawv nrhiav tau ib txoj kev tawm: lawv tsim ib tug kua roj vanish-xim, uas ua rau nws muaj peev xwm mus tint ntoo ntawm tej hom nyob rau hauv cov xim tsim nyog. Yog li ntawd, peb tau txais lub npe hu ua "dub plum wallis". Qhov ntxoov ntxoo yog heev noble, kim thiab luxurious. Nws qhia meej tias grey thiab ntshav tints, tab sis tib lub sijhawmlub hauv paus xim av tseem unshakable.

wallis plum rooj
wallis plum rooj

khoom siv dag zog

Tom qab tag nrho, peb tau kawm txog cov xim ntawm qhov tshwj xeeb "plum" ua tsaug rau cov khoom siv ntoo, uas ob peb lub xyoo dhau los tau dhau los ua lub hauv paus ntawm lub neej niaj hnub no. Yuav luag tag nrho cov rooj tog uas tus neeg nruab nrab muaj peev xwm them taus yog tsim los ntawm lawv, thiab txawm tias qhov tseeb tias nws qhov zoo tsis yog siab npaum li ntawm cov khoom sib txawv, cov khoom zoo li no xav tau. Nyob rau hauv qhov ntxoov ntxoo ntawm plum wallis, laminated chipboard (laminated chipboard) tuaj yeem pom ob qho tib si hauv ib qho yooj yim hauv pem teb laminate thiab hauv txee rooj tog, nrog rau hauv ib daim ntawv luam. Rau cov tuam txhab sib txawv, qhov tob ntawm lub suab sib txawv - muaj cov xim plum tsaus, nrog rau lawv tau nthuav tawm sib dua. Qhov no tso cai rau koj xaiv qhov zoo tshaj plaws thiab tib lub sijhawm nruab nrab qhov kev xaiv uas yuav ua tau zoo ntxiv rau kev tsim chav tsev.


Feem ntau, plum wallis ntxoov ntxoo yog pom meej nyob rau hauv lub laminate uas peb decorate peb pem teb. Cov xim zoo li noble heev, tso cai rau koj ua rau sab hauv ntau nruj thiab sophisticated. Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb: yog tias hauv pem teb tiav nrog plum-xim laminate, koj tuaj yeem xaiv cov rooj tog hauv ib qho palette. Yog hais tias nws yog sustained nyob rau hauv cov xim sov, hauv pem teb yuav dhau los ua qhov nruab nrab zoo tom qab. Nyob rau hauv rooj plaub thaum cov rooj tog tau ua nyob rau hauv txawm txias dua ntxoov, hauv pem teb yuav dhau los ua lub ntsiab lus, thiab nws palette yuav beckon thiab fascinate. Peb yuav tsum tsis txhob poob qhov pom ntawm qhov tseeb tias yoglub plum ntxoov ntxoo tau siv rau hauv pem teb, nws yuav saib zoo tiv thaiv lub teeb rooj tog.

wallis plum xim laminate flooring
wallis plum xim laminate flooring


Yog tias koj tsuas yog lub taub hau hla heels hauv kev hlub nrog plum wallis ntxoov ntxoo, cov duab ntawm cov teeb thiab rooj tog zaum tsim hauv cov palette no yuav qhia meej rau koj. Xws li cov khoom sab hauv tuaj yeem ua los ntawm cov khoom ntoo lossis cov khoom siv dag zog. Hauv thawj kis, koj lub tsev yuav tau muab cov rooj tog tshwj xeeb uas muaj xim zoo nkauj. Nws tuaj yeem ua tau yooj yim heev - tsis muaj cov ntsiab lus tsis txaus ntseeg thiab ntxiv. Tag nrho cov uniqueness yog nyob rau hauv cov xim tswvyim. Yog tias koj xaiv chipboard, ces cov neeg tsim qauv kuj pom zoo kom khaws cov ntaub ntawv yooj yim. Qhov nruab nrab ntxoov ntxoo yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws pom nyob rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv yooj yim thiab unpretentious. Thiab koj tuaj yeem muab qhov tseem ceeb rau chav tsev nrog kev pab ntawm accessories. Thiab ib qho tseem ceeb ntxiv: "wallis plum" nyiam lub teeb tom qab. Yog li ntawd, yog tias koj xaiv rooj tog hauv qhov ntxoov ntxoo, ces koj cov phab ntsa thiab hauv pem teb yuav tsum yog xim dawb, grey lossis beige.

wallis plum noj mov
wallis plum noj mov

Ib tug neeg sab hauv cov ntsiab lus

Ntau tus neeg muaj tswv yim nyiam hloov lawv lub tsev mus rau ib yam dab tsi tshwj xeeb. Xws li ib tug sab hauv yog figuratively hu ua eclecticism, tab sis qhov tseeb nws yog ib tug collective phenomenon. Nyob rau hauv ib chav tsev, cov ntsiab lus ntawm ntau yam yeej yog kaw, uas thaum xub thawj siab ib muag tsis tau nyob rau hauv kev sib raug zoo nrog ib leeg. Tab sis ua txuj ci tseem ceeb, lawv txhua tus nyob hauv tib thaj chaw thiab tsim lub aura ntawm kev muaj tswv yim tsis meej pem, lub davhlau ntawm kev zoo nkauj. ATxws li ib sab hauv yuav haum txig, hais, ib qho yooj yim, tab sis thawj lub hauv siab ntawm drawers. "Plum wallis" yog xim uas yuav tso cai rau nws los ua qhov tshwj xeeb, thaum nws tuaj yeem ua tau yooj yim thiab tsis yooj yim. Koj yuav tsim ib lub ntsiab lus ntawm kev txhawb nqa nyob rau hauv ib qho nyuaj thiab kaj sab hauv, ib yam dab tsi uas koj yuav saib tau nyob rau hauv thiaj li yuav so ntawm kaj xim thiab tsis-tus qauv duab.

lub hauv siab ntawm drawers plum wallis
lub hauv siab ntawm drawers plum wallis


Txhawm rau tsim kom muaj qhov chaw so thiab so, peb feem ntau sim siv cov xim sov tshaj plaws thaum kho peb chav pw, thiab qhov no yog qhov yuam kev loj tshaj plaws. Qhov tseeb yog tias nws yog qhov sov so uas them nrog vivacity, lub zog, lub zog. Lawv thawb peb mus ua, tsis so peb. Txhawm rau ua tiav cov txiaj ntsig sib txawv, koj xav tau ib qho nruab nrab palette, uas yog, ntxoov ntxoo ntawm "wallis plum". Wardrobe, txaj, txaj txaj - tag nrho cov rooj tog zaum no yuav tsum tau tsim nyob rau hauv cov xim no. Koj tuaj yeem ntxiv dag zog rau sab hauv nrog beige, niam-ntawm-pearl lossis grey phab ntsa, tiv thaiv cov rooj tog zaum no yuav saib txawv txawv thiab ntxim nyiam.

wallis plum txee
wallis plum txee


Cov neeg tsim qauv ntseeg tias chav ua noj yuav tsum tau dai kom zoo nkauj hauv cov style classic, lossis siv cov xim ci thiab nplua nuj. Tab sis txhua leej txhua tus muaj kev sib txawv, thiab yog tias koj chav tsev tag nrho yog thaj chaw ntawm naturalness thiab nruab nrab, ces chav ua noj yuav tsum yog nws qhov txuas ntxiv. Cov ntsiab lus ntawm sab hauv tuaj yeem muaj hnub nyoog hauv plum wallis ntxoov ntxoo? Lub rooj, rooj zaum, chav ua haujlwm, dai txee. Yuav kom dilute sab hauv, koj ua tausiv kiag li txhua yam xim - ob qho tib si lub teeb thiab ci los yog tsaus. Peb twb tau hais tias plum xim ntawm rooj tog yog suav tias yog universal, yog li nws yuav mus zoo nrog tag nrho cov palette. Peb kos koj cov xim rau lub fact tias yog hais tias tag nrho cov chav ua noj rooj tog yog tsim nyob rau hauv ib tug nruab nrab xim, ces ib tug kaj accent yog yuav tsum tau. Txwv tsis pub, sab hauv yuav tig tawm "phem", uninteresting thiab tho txawv.

plum wallis chav ua noj
plum wallis chav ua noj

Office tswv yim

Neutral ntxoov yog ib tug godsend rau kho kom zoo nkauj chaw ua hauj lwm. Ntawm no, tib neeg yuav tsum tau tsom mus rau kev ua haujlwm, thiab tsis yog ntawm lawv txoj kev xav lossis kev npau suav, yog li tsis muaj dab tsi yuav cuam tshuam lawv los ntawm kev ua haujlwm. Ua li no, siv rooj tog thiab flooring nyob rau hauv ntxoov ntxoo "wallis plum". Ib qho tseem ceeb feature: nyob rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv no, cov xim no yog tsis complemented los ntawm ib yam dab tsi - tsis muaj ci accents. Qhov tshwm sim yog tib yam "tshiab" sab hauv, uas tsis yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws, tab sis qhov zoo tshaj plaws yog qhov nruj thiab kev lag luam style ntawm lub chaw ua haujlwm.

Zoo kawg

Cov neeg tsim qauv niaj hnub, raws li nws tau nthuav tawm, tuaj yeem tsim tsis yog cov duab zoo nkauj xwb, tab sis kuj muaj xim tshiab uas yuav siv los tsim rooj tog. Ntawm lawv muaj cov kev xaiv ua tsis tiav, tab sis nrog rau lawv muaj cov hits tiag tiag uas zoo nkauj heev, ntxim nyiam thiab ntau yam. Qhov no yog raws nraim qhov ntxoov ntxoo ntawm "wallis plum". Nws tuaj yeem siv rau hauv kev tsim hauv pem teb, pom hauv cov rooj tog zaum lossis ib tus neeg sab hauv cov ntsiab lus. Nws calmness, neutrality thiab originality yog tus yuam sij rau kev vam meej thiabnrov.

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