Qab nthab qab nthab: hom qauv, qauv thiab yuav tsum tau ua

Cov txheej txheem:

Qab nthab qab nthab: hom qauv, qauv thiab yuav tsum tau ua
Qab nthab qab nthab: hom qauv, qauv thiab yuav tsum tau ua

Video: Qab nthab qab nthab: hom qauv, qauv thiab yuav tsum tau ua

Video: Qab nthab qab nthab: hom qauv, qauv thiab yuav tsum tau ua
Video: dab neeg sib aim muab xoom Ntawm taw txaj mas ntsaj heev tiag tiag 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Lub hauv paus ntawm txhua lub tsev yog tsim los ntawm cov khoom muaj zog load-bearing thav duab ua los ntawm cov ntsiab lus ntsug thiab kab rov tav. Nws tsim tuaj yeem suav nrog phab ntsa, kab, kab teeb thiab slabs. Thiab yog hais tias cov kab ntsug ntawm cov kab ke feem ntau siv cov khoom thauj, ces cov kab rov tav, ntawm qhov tsis sib xws, tsim kom muaj qhov hnyav. Qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws ntawm hom no yog lub qab nthab, uas yog siv nyob rau hauv daim ntawv ntawm ib tug slab los yog ib tug beam crate. Txhawm rau kom lub qab nthab kom ruaj khov txhawb nqa nws qhov hnyav thiab tiv thaiv cov haujlwm ntawm cov cuab yeej siv, nws yog ib qho tsim nyog yuav tsum tau ua raws li cov kev cai tsim nyog thiab cov cai tswj xyuas thaum lub sij hawm installation.

Basic ceiling slab classifications

Cov kws tshaj lij txheeb xyuas ob yam ntawm kev faib tawm ntawm tus qauv tsim - lub hom phiaj thiab kev ua haujlwm zoo. Kev faib tawm los ntawm lub hom phiaj cais qhov sib tshooj hauv qab no:

  • Zaj. Thawj thiab theem hauv pem teb ntawm cov thav duab ntau, ua tsaug uas thawj pem teb yog cais los ntawm lub hauv paus platform nrog grillage. Nyob rau hauv tej yaam num nrog hauv qab daus kujtseem muaj ib theem underground sib tshooj.
  • Interfloor. Qab nthab hauv tsev nrog ob peb plag tsev. Raws li txoj cai, qhov no yog ib qho qauv uas cais cov thawj thiab thib ob pem teb.
  • Ab. Slabs lossis beam systems uas cais cov neeg nyob hauv pem teb ntawm lub tsev pheeb suab sab saud lossis hauv qab nthab.

Raws li kev ua tau zoo, qhov sib txawv muaj feem xyuam nrog cov kabmob. Nws twb tau hais tias ob qho tib si slabs thiab kab teeb tuaj yeem tsim lub hauv paus ntawm cov qauv. Thiab ntawm no muaj kev faib tawm raws li cov khoom siv hauv pem teb siv, uas yuav tsum tau txiav txim siab nyias.

Interfloor qhob pem teb
Interfloor qhob pem teb

pob zeb ua pob zeb

Cov qauv yog ua los ntawm cov pob zeb ua ke nrog cov pas hlau. Txawm li cas los xij, niaj hnub no nyias fiberglass rods yog qee zaum siv hauv pem teb slabs, uas, nrog rau tib lub peev xwm, yog tus cwj pwm los ntawm qhov hnyav hnyav ntawm cov khoom sib xws. Monolithic slabs yog ua ncaj qha rau ntawm qhov chaw tsim kho raws li lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm cov qauv formwork.

Lwm qhov kev xaiv los tsim cov pobzeb pem teb yog prefabricated. Qhov no yog ib tug system ntawm npaj txhij-ua ntsiab los ntawm uas ib tug khoom thav duab yog tsim. Muaj prefabricated welded-hom ceilings thiab hybrid sawv daws yuav. Qhov sib txawv ntawm lawv yog nyob rau hauv txoj kev sib txuas. Nyob rau hauv thawj rooj plaub, lub vuam conjugation ntawm lub hauv pem teb Cheebtsam yog siv los ntawm ib tug daim ntawv cog lus los ntawm hlau reinforcing rods, thiab nyob rau hauv lub thib ob, lub tiav lawm blocks nyob rau hauv lub fastening units yog poured nrog pob zeb. Kev xaiv ntawm ib qho system yog txiav txim siab los ntawm cov caiqhov project thiab installation tej yam kev mob, tab sis reinforced pob zeb spans yog feem ntau suav hais tias yog cov feem ntau txhim khu kev qha kev xaiv rau kev txhim kho lub qab nthab ib feem ntawm tus ncej.

Formwork rau qab nthab
Formwork rau qab nthab

ntoo beam ceilings

Tus qauv tsim yog cov kab sib npaug sib npaug, sab nraud zoo li phab ntsa crate, tsuas yog loj dua. Tsis zoo li cov slabs, cov kab hluav taws xob tom qab tso muaj ntau yam qauv. Piv txwv li, qhov qhib nruab nrab ntawm kab teeb raug cawm, uas tuaj yeem siv los muab cov haujlwm ntxiv rau hauv pem teb. Piv txwv li, khoob niches tuaj yeem sau nrog cov cua sov thiab dej insulators, nrog rau cov suab nrov. Tom qab sau qhov chaw nruab nrab ntawm cov kab teeb ntawm lub qab nthab, nws yog ib qho tsim nyog los nqa tawm lub flooring. Nws yog teem nrog chipboard panels, kaw lub beam batten system. Cov flooring no yuav tsim lub hauv paus rau kev tso cov cav hauv pem teb thiab cov txheej txheem zoo nkauj yav tom ntej.

Qab nthab kab teeb
Qab nthab kab teeb

Slab sizes

Tsis muaj ib qho loj hauv pem teb, tab sis muaj cov qauv kev hloov kho hauv ntau hom ntawv tso zis ntau yam. Piv txwv li, qhov ntev ntawm cov qauv pobzeb sib txawv ntawm qhov nruab nrab ntawm 2400 txog 6600 hli. Qhov loj ncua sij hawm ntawm ntau hom yog 300 mm. Kuj tseem muaj cov qauv uas mus dhau qhov ntau ntawm no - piv txwv li, daim hlau nrog qhov ntev ntawm 900 thiab 7500 hli, tab sis cov no yog cov qauv tsim tshwj xeeb. Kev sib koom ua ke ntawm lub qab nthab hauv qhov dav yog 1000-3600 mm nrog tib kauj ruam. Feem ntaucov qauv ntawm daim hlau nrog qhov dav ntawm 1200 thiab 1500 mm yog ntau. Raws li rau lub thickness, nws yog 220-300 hli. Nyob rau hauv lem, beam ceilings los ntawm cov ntoo yuav siv tau nyob rau hauv thav ntawv nrog ib tug span dav txog li 5000 mm.

Qhob qab nthab installation
Qhob qab nthab installation

Technical and structural nta of floors

Ob lub nqaj thiab pobzeb pem teb tuaj yeem muaj cov cuab yeej tshwj xeeb hauv lawv txoj kev tsim kho kom yooj yim txav, txhawb nqa thiab tso cov kev sib txuas lus. Rau cov haujlwm zoo li no, txawm tias nyob rau theem tsim khoom, grooves, recesses, loops, inserts thiab lwm yam khoom siv ua haujlwm tau muab. Hollow cylindrical niches nrog ib txoj kab uas hla ntawm 140-16 mm yog tsim nyob rau hauv cov vuas ceilings. Ntawm qhov tod tes, lawv ua kom qhov loj ntawm cov pob zeb ua kom muaj zog, thiab ntawm qhov tod tes, lawv ua cov haujlwm ntawm stiffening tav. Txhawm rau kom yooj yim rau kev nqa hauv daim hlau, cov khoom siv tuav tau siv. Lawv cov cuab yeej tshwj xeeb yog xam nyob rau theem kev txiav txim raws li lub tswv yim nqa thiab cov xwm txheej. Cov no tuaj yeem yog tib lub voj voog, thiab cov cuab yeej cuab tam rau tus nuv.

Qhob pem teb slabs
Qhob pem teb slabs

Yuav tsum muaj kev txhawb nqa kev tsim kho

Raws li GOSTs, cov hlau yuav tsum tau siv los txhawb cov plag tsev. Cov qib tshwj xeeb ntawm alloy thiab nws cov tsis muaj nyob ntawm qhov kev thov tsim. Piv txwv li, qhov kev txhawb nqa prestressed yog ua los ntawm thermomechanical rods ntawm chav kawm At-IV (VI), thiab kub dov qhov cuab lub zog yog ua los ntawm rods A-IV (VI). Nyob rau hauv qab nthab slabs, uas yog ua raws li tus nruam formless txoj kev nyob rau ntevsawv ntsug, nws yog ib qho tsim nyog yuav tsum tau siv cov hlua hlau uas muaj zog los yog cov hlua hlau. Nyob rau hauv tus txheej txheem ntawm kev txhim kho thiab ntxiv kev ua ub no, tsis pub muaj kev cuam tshuam ntawm embedded rods. Qhov tsuas yog qhov tshwj xeeb yog qhov kawg ntawm cov cuab yeej siv cuab yeej cuab tam, uas tsis tau npaj yuav tso tawm dhau qhov kawg ntawm lub qab nthab los ntawm ntau tshaj 10 hli. Tab sis txawm tias cov protrusions yuav tsum tau insulated nrog bituminous kua roj vanish los yog cement-sand mortar.

Technical and operational design requirements

Ntoo qab nthab
Ntoo qab nthab

Ntau npaum li cas hauv kev suav cov plag tsev nyob ntawm qhov tshwj xeeb ntawm lub tsev thiab kev ua haujlwm sab nraud. Tab sis kuj tseem muaj cov kev cai dav dav uas txhua qhov kev tsim kho ntawm hom no yuav tsum ua raws li:

  • Lub zog txaus, uas yuav tshem tawm qhov txaus ntshai ntawm deformation thiab deflection ntawm tus qauv. Los ntawm txoj kev, nyob rau hauv lub interfloor qab nthab slab, qhov nruab nrab ntom ntawm lub pob zeb qauv yog 1400-2500 kg / m 3.
  • Hluav taws kub. Muaj cov chav sib txawv ntawm qhov hluav taws kub, thiab cov qauv siv hluav taws xob ntau tshaj plaws yog siv rau hauv cov xwm txheej ntawm kev tso lub chimney rau hauv pem teb hauv qab nthab.
  • Suab thiab cua sov rwb thaiv tsev. Tej zaum kuj yuav muaj ntau theem ntawm rwb thaiv tsev efficiency, tab sis qhov tsawg kawg nkaus suab nrov kev nplij siab thiab kub tsis kam nyob rau hauv ib lub tsev nyob yuav tsum muab tag nrho cov theem ntawm sib tshooj. Lwm qhov yog tias nyob rau hauv txhua rooj plaub cov khoom raug xaiv uas sib haum rau qhov chaw ntawm daim ntawv thov nyob rau hauv cov nqe lus ntawm kev tiv thaiv khoom.
  • Cov khoom tshwj xeeb thiab cov yam ntxwv. Cov kev cai tshwj xeeb tuaj yeem siv rau chav dej thiab dej tsis kam, roj nruj thiabKev ruaj ntseg lom, nyob ntawm seb qhov kev siv ntawm cov qauv.

Zaj lus

ntoo pem teb
ntoo pem teb

Kev siv cov txheej txheem ntawm lub qab nthab yog txiav txim siab los ntawm ntau yam, qee qhov yog raws li cov cai hauv tsev, thiab qee qhov yog raws li cov qauv tsim tshwj xeeb. Raws li txoj cai, hauv cov tsev ntiag tug, cov qab nthab yog ua los ntawm cov qauv me me ntxiv cov pob zeb ua pob zeb los yog nrog cov kab ntoo. Rau qhov loj, kev xaiv ntawm cov qauv no yuav txiav txim siab los ntawm cov khoom ntawm lub ntsiab ncej. Tsis tas li ntawd, kuj tseem muaj kev sib txawv ntawm cov txheej txheem hauv pem teb, nyob rau hauv uas sib txawv theem yog tsim los ntawm hlau, reinforced pob zeb thiab ntoo qauv cais. Qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws yog tias cov ntsiab cai dav dav ntawm cov qauv thav duab tau pom, uas suav nrog kev ua kom muaj kev ntseeg siab, ua haujlwm ntev thiab ua haujlwm ntawm cov ntaub ntawv kom muaj zog thiab zoo li qub.

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