Yuav ua li cas thiaj ua Iron Man rau kev hnav khaub ncaws?

Cov txheej txheem:

Yuav ua li cas thiaj ua Iron Man rau kev hnav khaub ncaws?
Yuav ua li cas thiaj ua Iron Man rau kev hnav khaub ncaws?

Video: Yuav ua li cas thiaj ua Iron Man rau kev hnav khaub ncaws?

Video: Yuav ua li cas thiaj ua Iron Man rau kev hnav khaub ncaws?
Video: ib sim cas tsis tsim nyog tsom xyooj 2022 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Ua ntej ntawm kev hnav khaub ncaws, matinee lossis kev ua yeeb yam? Nws yog qhov ceev heev los npaj cov khaub ncaws zoo tshaj plaws thiab nco ntsoov! Tau kawg, muaj ntau txoj kev xaiv, tab sis peb kuj yuav tsum tau coj mus rau hauv tus account tias cov txheej txheem ntawm kev tsim cov khaub ncaws yuav tsum nkag mus tau.

how to make iron man
how to make iron man

Ntawm no, cia peb sim xav seb yuav ua li cas ua Iron Man hauv tsev los ntawm kev txhais tau tias.

Cia peb xav txog ob txoj hauv kev yooj yim tshaj plaws, peb yuav ua ib lub tsho los ntawm cov duab los qhia thiab ntaub.

How to make Iron Man out of cardboard

Peb yuav xav tau cov khoom hauv qab no:

- Lub thawv uas koj tus cwj pwm yuav haum rau hauv (piv txwv li, los ntawm lub qhov cub microwave, lub tshuab nqus tsev lossis lub tshuab hluav taws xob).

- Ntau lub thawv khau los hnav ko taw.

- Ib daim ntawv ci.

- Scotch.

yuav ua li cas ua kom koj tus kheej iron man suit
yuav ua li cas ua kom koj tus kheej iron man suit

Cia li pib. Ua ntej tshaj plaws, koj yuav tsum txiav qhov hauv lub thawv loj rau saum thiab hauv qab rau koj lub cev. Lub thawv yuav hnav saum taub hau.

Cia li txiav tib txoj kev npajQhov hauv cov khau khau rau caj npab thiab ceg (nrog txoj kab uas tsim nyog).

Nws yog qhov zoo tshaj kom tshem lub hau ntawm lub thawv, txiav lub qhov qhib, ces lub thawv tuaj yeem muab tso rau ntawm caj npab lossis txhais ceg thiab kaw lub hau.

hlau txiv neej suit drawings
hlau txiv neej suit drawings

Yog koj tsis paub yuav ua li cas rau koj tus kheej Iron Man suit, thov koj niam koj txiv lossis cov phooj ywg laus los pab koj nrog kev sib dhos.

Kho thiab tib lub sijhawm kho kom zoo nkauj txhua qhov no yuav yog nrog kev pab ntawm cov ntawv ci. Lub skein yuav mus rau tag nrho winding ntawm lub cev thiab ceg ceg. Nws yog ib qho tsim nyog los tawm me ntsis rau kev tsim lub ntsej muag. Lub ntsej muag yuav tsum tau them nrog ntawv ci hauv nws daim ntawv ntshiab, tsis muaj lub thawv. Lub spectacle cog lus tias yuav txaus ntshai!

Kuj, raws li kev xaiv yooj yim dua rau kev kho kom zoo nkauj ntawm caj dab, koj tuaj yeem hloov kho cov yeeb nkab stainless corrugated los ntawm cov kav dej. Hais kom txiv los koom nrog lub luag haujlwm no!

how to make iron man
how to make iron man

Qhov kev poob qis ntawm cov khaub ncaws zoo li no yog qhov nyuaj ntawm kev xaiv cov thawv kom raug, siv cov ntawv ci siab, thiab qhov tseem ceeb tshaj, xws li khaub ncaws yuav tsum tau tsim dua tshiab txhua zaus…

How to make Iron Man from fabric

Koj yuav tsum mus rau ntawm lub khw muag ntaub thiab yuav cov khoom xav tau. Los ntawm kev muab assortment, ntau yam kev xaiv rau sprayed knitwear feem ntau haum. Yog hais tias tus hero yog ib tug ntxhais, ces koj muaj peev xwm yuav sequin ntaub. Yog hais tias ib tug me nyuam tub, ces nws yog zoo dua mus xaiv ib yam dab tsi uas tsis glamorous. Nyiaj ntaub supplex los yog lycra, lurex los yog viscose nrog ib tug hlau txheej yog zoo meej rau lub hom phiaj no.

Npuag noj yog xam los ntawm cov tswv yim hauv qab no: ris ntev + lub tsho ntev + lub tes tsho ntev.

yuav ua li cas ua kom koj tus kheej iron man suit
yuav ua li cas ua kom koj tus kheej iron man suit

Piav thiab lub tsho yuav tsum txiav tom tsev. Ntawm no tsis muaj kev txawj tshwj xeeb nws yuav nyuaj. Koj tuaj yeem nqa cov qauv qub tshaj plaws los ntawm cov ntawv xov xwm tshwj xeeb, noj qee yam pajamas ua lub hauv paus, thaum tau txais cov duab kos tiag tiag ntawm Iron Man suit. Xwb, koj tuaj yeem ua voj voog koj nyiam T-shirt lossis tracksuit ntawm cov ntawv xov xwm.

Koj tuaj yeem xaws txhua yam ntawm lub tshuab xaws zoo tib yam. Tab sis qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws yog ua ntej kom paub tseeb tias nws muaj peev xwm "ua phooj ywg" nrog cov ntaub xaiv.

Koj tuaj yeem kho cov khaub ncaws nrog cov CDs qub thiab ntau yam ntawm cov tsheb tawg lossis cov neeg hlau.

Tau kawg

Thaum ua tiav txoj haujlwm, nws tseem yuav siv lub ntsej muag pleev xim rau ntawm lub ntsej muag. Rau qhov no, greasy cream thiab nyiaj xuab zeb los ntawm lub paj khw yog tsim nyog. Koj tseem tuaj yeem siv cov duab ntxoov ntxoo hlau, npog tag nrho lub ntsej muag lossis nws tus kheej nrog lawv.

hlau txiv neej suit drawings
hlau txiv neej suit drawings

Tam sim no koj paub meej yuav ua li cas ua Iron Man!

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