Laser wood cutters: piav qhia, nta thiab tshuaj xyuas. Laser cutters: hom, yam ntxwv thiab xyuas

Cov txheej txheem:

Laser wood cutters: piav qhia, nta thiab tshuaj xyuas. Laser cutters: hom, yam ntxwv thiab xyuas
Laser wood cutters: piav qhia, nta thiab tshuaj xyuas. Laser cutters: hom, yam ntxwv thiab xyuas

Video: Laser wood cutters: piav qhia, nta thiab tshuaj xyuas. Laser cutters: hom, yam ntxwv thiab xyuas

Video: Laser wood cutters: piav qhia, nta thiab tshuaj xyuas. Laser cutters: hom, yam ntxwv thiab xyuas
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Laser cutters yog siv hauv ntau qhov kev lag luam, suav nrog kev ua ntoo, mining, metalworking. Thaum cov khoom siv no tshwm sim hauv khw, lawv cov nqi tau siab heev. Tam sim no, cov qauv txhim kho tau tshwm sim, thaum tus nqi tsis txaus ntshai ntxiv lawm. Dab tsi yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm cov cuab yeej no thiab qhov tsim nyog npaum li cas los yuav nws rau kev lag luam me, cia peb ua tib zoo saib.

Txoj Cai Ua Haujlwm

Lo lus "laser" muaj cov hauv paus lus Askiv thiab txhais tau tias "kev nthuav dav ntawm lub teeb los ntawm kev txhawb nqa tawm." Cov txheej txheem nws tus kheej yog kev hloov pauv ntawm ib lub zog rau hauv qhov nqaim taw qhia, coherent, monochromatic, polarized kwj.

Laser cutters yog tsim los ntawm txoj cai no.

laser txiav
laser txiav

Lub teeb hluav taws xob yog tsim los ntawm lub lens thiab hloov mus rau hauv qhov chaw me me. Lub kaw lus ntawm daim iav mounted rau ntawm lub rooj sib koom ua ke txav lub nqaj mus rau txhua txoj haujlwm txheeb ze rau cov khoom ua tiav los ntawm kev xav txog. Raws li kev cuam tshuam ntawm hluav taws xob, nrog lub zog siab ceev, qhov kho qhov muag ntawm cov khoom yog rhuab mus rau lub xeev ntawm evaporation nyob rau hauv ib lub sij hawm luv luv. Nrog kev pab los ntawm xws li installation nws muaj peev xwm ua tau ntoo, hlau, yas.

txiaj ntsig

Qhov zoo ntawm laser tshuab suav nrog:

  • Kev siv hluav taws xob tsawg piv rau lwm qhov kev teeb tsa.
  • Tsis siv neeg siv khoom siv. Lub teeb ua haujlwm nyob deb ntawm qhov chaw ua haujlwm.
  • Rau lub teeb laser, qhov zoo ntawm cov khoom tsis muaj teeb meem, nws tuaj yeem cuam tshuam rau txhua hom ntoo, suav nrog ntoo tsis kho.
  • Tsis muaj kev vibration loj thiab suab nrov.
  • Kev ua haujlwm siab. Ua tiav vim qhov yooj yim ntawm cov khoom siv nodes.
  • Tsis muaj chips thiab plua plav hauv cov txheej txheem tsim khoom.
  • Kev txav ntawm cov khoom siv. Lub teeb tsim tso cai rau koj thauj thiab nruab txhua qhov chaw koj xav tau. Tsis tas yuav nqa khoom siv.
  • Kev ua raws li cov kev txwv tsis pub dhau CNC.
  • Muaj peev xwm ua haujlwm nrog txhua yam khoom siv: yas, ntoo, hlau, ceramics, roj hmab, tawv, ntawv.

Cov txiaj ntsig no tau txais txiaj ntsig zoo ntawm cov kws tshaj lij.


Cov no suav nrog ntau qhov tsis muaj:

  • Qhov tsis muaj peev xwm ua cov chipboard, yog li nws tsis tuaj yeem siv rau hauv kev tsim cov laminatedrooj tog.
  • Kev ua cov yas yuav dhau los ua qhov zoo siab, vim cov pa phem yuav raug tso tawm thaum ua haujlwm.
  • Koj yuav tsum ua tib zoo xav txog cov kev txwv uas tau tshaj tawm los ntawm cov chaw tsim khoom. Raws li txoj cai, cov tshuab no tuaj yeem ua cov khoom siv nrog lub thickness tsis ntau tshaj 20 hli.
  • Tsis tuaj yeem tsim duab ntxoov ntxoo ntawm daim duab thaum kos duab.

Qhov tsis zoo qhia tias koj yuav tsum paub koj tus kheej nrog cov ntaub ntawv kev paub ntawm cov cuab yeej thiab txiav txim siab seb qhov no lossis tus qauv tsim nyog rau kev tsim khoom tshwj xeeb.

Laser ntoo txiav

Kev txiav ntoo yog qhov tseeb heev. Yog li ntawd, nyob rau hauv ib txwm muaj mob, milling thiab tig tshuab yog siv, nrog rau kev siv tes ua haujlwm.

ntoo laser cutter
ntoo laser cutter

Lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm kev ua haujlwm ntawm cov hom saum toj no yog ua raws li cov khoom siv kho mob ntawm qhov chaw yuav tsum tau kho, thaum lub sij hawm ib feem ntawm cov khoom raug txiav tawm. Hauv qhov no, chips thiab tawg tuaj yeem tsim. Qhov zoo ntawm kev ua haujlwm ncaj qha yog nyob ntawm hom thiab qhov xwm txheej ntawm lub workpiece thaum lub sijhawm ua haujlwm.

Lub laser ntoo txiav ua haujlwm ntawm lub hauv paus ntsiab lus sib txawv, yog li nws tau txais qhov ntsuas siab. Nws ua haujlwm nrog qhov chaw reflow. Vim qhov no, nws yog ib qho yooj yim, tab sis tib lub sij hawm, cov npoo yuav darkened vim thermal raug. Qhov no feature muab cov carvings ntxiv qhov muag pom. Vim lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm kev khiav hauj lwm, xws li installation yog positioned raws li ib tug laser engraver-cutter. Tom ntej no, xav txog kev tsim cov cuab yeej.

Device mechanism

Tau xajua ib lub laser cutter nrog koj tus kheej txhais tes, koj yuav tsum nkag siab tias nws muaj dab tsi. Muaj tsib qhov tseem ceeb ntawm lub tshuab:

  • Emitter. Nrog nws cov kev pab, hluav taws xob yog tsim nrog qhov tsim nyog tsis. Nws muaj cov ntsiab lus ntawm lub twj tso kua mis, qhov nruab nrab nquag, thiab daim iav resonator. Yog tias tsim nyog, nws tau nruab nrog lub tshuab hluav taws xob hloov hluav taws xob. Muaj peb hom emitter - khoom, fiber ntau, roj.
  • Lub kaw lus tsim thiab kev thauj mus los ntawm hluav taws xob, roj. Cov txheej txheem no xa cov nqaj ntawm lub emitter mus rau saum npoo kom kho, thiab tseem ua haujlwm tshem tawm cov khoom ntawm reflow thiab txias cov cuab yeej.
  • Kev sib koom tes. Ua kom lub zog ntawm lub teeb laser thiab cov khoom hauv qhov chaw.
  • Desktop. Nws kho cov workpieces.
  • ACS. Tus kheej tswj qhov system. Nrog nws, koj tuaj yeem teeb tsa cov kev txwv txiav.

Muab cov ntaub ntawv no, koj tuaj yeem ua lub laser txiav rau hlau nrog koj tus kheej tes. Nws tuaj yeem siv los ua lwm yam ntaub ntawv, suav nrog ntoo.

Handheld laser cutter

Nov yog cov khoom siv yooj yim tshaj plaws uas koj tuaj yeem tsim koj tus kheej.

DIY laser txiav
DIY laser txiav

Rau lub rooj sib txoos koj yuav xav tau lub laser pointer, lub teeb nyem tuav, teeb lub roj teeb rau nws, CD / DVD-RW tus kws sau ntawv (tus tsav yuav tsum nrog lub laser ua haujlwm), cov hlau nplaum thiab cov txheej txheem. ntswj ntsia hlau.

Thawj zaug, lub laser raug rho tawm los ntawm tus tsav. Kev ua haujlwm yuav tsum tau ua kom zoo, thaum dismantling koj yuav xav tau ib tug soldering hlau. Ntxig qhov muab rho tawm rau hauvpointer los hloov tus qub. Cov txheej txheem yog mob siab rau, koj yuav tsum ua txhua yam tsis muaj jerks thiab ceev kom tsis txhob ua rau lub cuab yeej puas. Nruab tus taw tes tshiab sib sau ua ke rau hauv lub teeb nyem thiab txuas mus rau nws lub hwj huam mov, saib lub polarity. Tsis muaj dab tsi yuav tsum cuam tshuam nrog cov nqaj, yog li iav thiab qhov cuam tshuam yuav tsum tau muab tshem tawm. Cov qauv yuav tsum ruaj khov.

Yog tias cov thev naus laus zis tau ua raws, ces cov khoom siv phau ntawv no tuaj yeem siv tau. Raws li koj tuaj yeem pom, kev sib dhos tshuab yog qhov yooj yim heev. Xws li laser cutters yog tsawg-power, tab sis lawv yog heev haum rau ib co nyias cov khoom thiab engraving ua hauj lwm.

Rau cov khoom siv hluav taws xob ntau dua, koj yuav xav tau, ua ntej, ib chav uas nws yuav sib sau ua ke thiab sawv ntsug, nrog rau ntau cov ntaub ntawv seem. Nws yuav tsum tau muab xam seb puas yuav muaj kev txuag nyiaj hauv lub sijhawm ntev. Nws yog qhov ua tau tias nws yuav pheej yig dua los yuav cov qauv ua tiav.

A tus lej ntawm subtleties

Thaum sib dhos laser cutters nrog koj tus kheej txhais tes, nws yuav tsum to taub tias yog tias tsis muaj cov khoom ntawm tes, ces yuav cov khoom seem yuav kim dua li kev yuav khoom tiav. Kev ua lag luam tab tom mus tom ntej thiab cov qauv txiav laser tsis kim dua li lawv tau tshwm sim thaum lawv xub tshwm sim.

laser engraver cutter
laser engraver cutter

Thaum xaiv cov khoom npaj ua tiav, koj yuav tsum ua tib zoo xav txog ntau tus yam ntxwv:

  • Khoom siv zog. Qhov kev ntsuas no ncaj qha ntsig txog kev tsim khoom thiab txiav thickness.
  • Dimension ntawm lub desktop. Ib qho parameter yuav tsum tau muab uas yuav tso cai rau kev ua tiav ntawm qhov kwv yees qhov ntev ntawm cov khoom. Lawv tuaj yeem ua tau ntau yam teeb tsa.
  • Producer. Nws tsim nyog noj cov khoom siv los ntawm cov tuam txhab ntseeg siab xwb.
  • Muaj cov chaw pabcuam hauv cheeb tsam. Yog li ntawd thaum muaj kev tawg nws yuav muaj peev xwm tshem tawm lawv sai li sai tau.
  • Xav txog lub tshuab pa thaum txhim kho cov cuab yeej. Nws yuav tsum tsis txhob hnov qab tias thaum lub sij hawm kho cua sov, cov pa roj yuav raug tso tawm uas nrog rau cov txheej txheem combustion ntawm ib yam khoom. Qhov no tseem ceeb tshwj xeeb tshaj yog thaum ua cov yas.

Yog tias txhua tus yam ntxwv raug coj mus rau hauv tus account, koj tuaj yeem xaiv tus qauv tsim nyog.

Kev nyab xeeb

Nws yuav tsum nco ntsoov tias lub laser beam yog tsim los ua riam phom.

laser cutter rau hlau nqi
laser cutter rau hlau nqi

Yog li ntawd, nws muaj kev phom sij. Nws yog tsis yooj yim sua kom coj xws li hluav taws xob ntawm ib tug neeg, nws muaj peev xwm hlawv. Kev ua haujlwm yuav tsum nyob rau hauv cov tsom iav tshwj xeeb txhawm rau tiv thaiv qhov tsis pom kev. Cov khoom siv lossis chav tsev nws tus kheej yuav tsum tau nruab nrog lub tshuab tso pa lossis cov neeg ua haujlwm yuav xav tau kev tiv thaiv ua pa.

Tus nqi ntawm cov khoom siv laser

Vim li cas cov cuab yeej no tam sim no? Tau kawg, nws tag nrho yog nyob ntawm hom thiab kev ua haujlwm ntawm cov khoom siv. Muaj cov qauv duab thiab pem teb. Thawj qhov kev xaiv ntawm tus nqi pib los ntawm 25 txhiab rubles. Cov qauv hauv pem teb tuaj yeem yog los ntawm 120,000 rubles. Muaj ntau yam khoom siv los ntawm Suav tuam ntxhab nyob rau hauv kev ua lag luam, tus nqi thiab qhov zoo ntawm cov khoom tsim nyog heev.

ua-nws-koj tus kheej laser cutter rau hlau
ua-nws-koj tus kheej laser cutter rau hlau

Piv txwv li, lub laser cutter rau hlau, tus nqi ntawm uas, nyob ntawm seb qhov loj ntawm lub desktop,kev ua tau zoo thiab kev xaiv los ntawm 120 txhiab rubles rau 900 txhiab rubles. Thaum Western cov neeg tsim khoom txaus siab yuav yog 30% kim dua.

phau ntawv laser cutter
phau ntawv laser cutter

Laser cov cuab yeej yog ib qho kev xav. Tam sim no cov cuab yeej no muaj nyob hauv yuav luag txhua qhov kev lag luam. Rau cov lag luam me, xws li hlau thiab ntoo ua cov nroj tsuag tau qhib rau cov chaw cog lus tshiab, uas ua rau kev lag luam ruaj khov. Ua-nws-koj tus kheej los ua ke ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob qis rau kev siv ntiag tug yog qhov ncaj ncees yog tias koj tau txhais tau tias improvised thiab txhua yam kev paub txog physics.

Pom zoo: