Coupling fittings: piav qhia, hom, kev teeb tsa

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Coupling fittings: piav qhia, hom, kev teeb tsa
Coupling fittings: piav qhia, hom, kev teeb tsa

Video: Coupling fittings: piav qhia, hom, kev teeb tsa

Video: Coupling fittings: piav qhia, hom, kev teeb tsa
Video: What did one petrosexual say to the other? #engine #fourstroke #engineering #car #jdm #tesla #ev 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Kev sib txuas nrog kev txhim kho hnyav ntawm monolithic-thav duab kev tsim vaj tsev siab, chaw nres tsheb hauv dej, txuas hniav, nuclear fais fab nroj tsuag, qhov teeb meem ntawm kev koom nrog kev txhawb nqa bar thaum lub sijhawm ua haujlwm tau dhau los ua mob hnyav dua. Cov tsev ntau lub tsev thiab cov vaj tse ua vaj tse complex, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog nyob rau hauv cov cheeb tsam uas muaj kev puas tsuaj seismic, tam sim no tau tsim los ntawm cov pob zeb siv pob zeb, uas yuav tsum tau ua kom zoo thiab muaj txiaj ntsig zoo. Nws yog qhov kev txhawb nqa ntawm cov pa ua vaj tse uas muab cov qauv tsim kom muaj zog rau cov pob zeb ua kom muaj zog.

Tsis ntev los no, kev txhawb nqa tau koom nrog kev sib txuas los yog sib tshooj knitting. Niaj hnub no, nyob rau thaj tsam ntawm peb lub teb chaws, rau kev koom nrog rebars, lub ntsiab pheej yig thiab pov thawj txoj kev yog kev sib txuas ntawm cov couplings. Kev siv cov coupling system muaj nyob rau hauv kev hloov cov fragmentary pob qij txha ntawm knitting ntawm tus pins nrog lub coupling pob qij txha ntawm lub reinforcement. Cov txheej txheem no tshem tawm cov kev puas tsuaj los ntawm cov neeg kho tshuab kev nyuaj siab thiab nquag siv hauv txhua qhov chaw ntawm kev tsim kho.

Daim ntawv thov

Lub cev muaj zog hlau ntawm lub tsev ua los ntawmpob zeb yog tsim nyog rau qhov ruaj khov tsis kam ntawm cov qauv rau bending loads. Txoj kev siv dav ntawm kev khi hlua khi nrog hlau los yog vuam yog ua haujlwm nyuaj, nyuaj, tsis muaj txiaj ntsig thiab kim.

Kev sib txuas ntawm qhov kev txhawb nqa nrog kev sib txuas yog kev kho kom ruaj khov ntawm ob qhov kawg ntawm cov pas nrig hauv lub tog raj kheej hlau hollow hauv ib txoj kev. Txoj kab uas hla ntawm qhov sib txuas ntxiv yog zoo ib yam rau qhov loj ntawm cov pas nrig tuaj, phab ntsa tuab yog 2-5 hli, thiab nws qhov ntev nws txawv ntawm 7 mus rau 20 cm. thaum ua haujlwm. Niaj hnub no, cov chaw tsim khoom kho vajtse muab kev xaiv loj ntawm cov txuas txuas rau fittings ntawm txhua yam, ua los ntawm cov qib siab carbon steel.

valve coupling
valve coupling

Qhov kev sib txuas ntawm kev txhawb nqa no tso cai rau koj kom yooj yim thiab yooj yim txuas ob tus pins ntawm cov qauv nyob rau hauv tib txoj kev. Ntawd yog, ua kom lawv lub pob tw sib koom ua ke kawg-rau-kawg. Qhov kev sib dhos no tsis zoo los ntawm kev khi hlua khi thiab yav tas los ua los ntawm kev sib txuas ntawm vuam thiab hlua khi. Kev siv lub tes tsho fittings ho txo cov nqi ntawm kev ua haujlwm, tus nqi ntawm cov khoom siv hauv tsev thiab ua rau kom nrawm ntawm erection ntawm cov qauv tsim muaj zog thiab txhim khu kev qha.

coupling armature
coupling armature

Kev siv cov tshuab docking ua rau nws tuaj yeem txhim kho kev sib txuas ntawm cov hlua txuas ntxiv. Hauv li 7-10 feeb, qhov kawg ntawm cov pins yog threaded, nruab nrab thiab screwed nrog ib tug torque ciaj ntswj.kev sib txuas. Nws kuj ua kom yooj yim rau kev tswj xyuas cov pob qij txha.


Cov hlua txuas txuas yog cais raws li cov txheej txheem sib txawv.

  • Couplings nrog tapered internal threads pub txuas rebars nrog ib txoj kab uas hla ntawm 12 mus rau 50 mm.
  • Yog tias tsim nyog, txhawm rau txhim kho cov fittings uas twb tau tsim rau hauv cov qauv, siv cov kev sib txuas crimp (threadless) txuas. Lawv kho cov pas nrig los ntawm kev siv cov kev sib txhuam tshwj xeeb hauv cov yeeb nkab ib leeg.
  • Cov ntsia hlau pins tau ruaj ntseg nrog ob lub ntsuas phoo. Qhov kev sib txuas sib txuas no yog siv thaum txuas cov pins uas muaj lub nra hnyav.
Coupling fittings
Coupling fittings

Lub tes tsho sib txuas tau muab faib raws li txoj kab uas hla ntawm tus pins:

  • Cov tuav nrog txoj kab uas tsim nyog tau txuas nrog tus qauv fastener.
  • Rods nrog qhov sib txawv ntawm qhov ntau thiab tsawg tau kho nrog kev hloov pauv kev sib koom ua ke.
  • Ib txhia kis, siv cov kev txhawb zog ua ke ua ke.

Ib ntu ntawm kev ua rau kev sib txuas crimping

  1. Crimp cov ntsiab lus tau teeb tsa rau ntawm cov hlua txuas ntxiv ntawm qhov chaw docking.
  2. Coupling yog pressurized nrog ib tug hydraulic twj.
  3. Visually checks build quality.
  4. Kev kuaj xyuas ntawm tag nrho cov qauv sib dhos.

Yog tias cov khoom siv tshwj xeeb crimping yog siv rau kev sib koom ua ke, kev kho kom ruaj khov ntawm cov pob qij txha ntawm cov khoom sib txuas tau ntev yog lav.

cov yeeb nkab fittingskev sib txuas
cov yeeb nkab fittingskev sib txuas

Docking couplings yog tsim los ntawm cov kav dej uas muaj txoj kab uas hla me me sib haum rau qhov ntev ntawm cov tuav tuav. Rau zawm nrog ib tug yuam sij, lub sab sauv nto muaj daim ntawv ntawm ib tug hexagon. Ib nti xov yog txiav sab hauv nrog qhov tsawg kawg nkaus. Kev siv cov kav dej nrog cov phab ntsa tuab tso cai rau koj txiav cov coils ntawm qhov xav tau qhov tob thiab ua kom lub zog ntawm kev sib txuas. Coupling fittings raug txiav txim siab los ntawm cov kws tshaj lij los ua qhov kev daws teeb meem zoo tshaj plaws rau kev sib tshooj pins.

Sib dhos cov kauj ruam rau longitudinal reinforcing pins nrog threaded couplings

  • Couplings ntawm qhov ntau thiab tsawg tau raug yuav thiab cov cuab yeej tau npaj.
  • Txoj kab uas hla yog xov.
  • Armature tau teeb tsa hauv txoj haujlwm ua haujlwm.
  • Kev sib txuas yog screwed ntawm ib kawg.
  • thib ob kawg yog mob rau.
  • pob caus raug nruj rau txoj haujlwm hnyav.
  • Kev tshuaj xyuas qhov zoo.

Txhawm rau tiv thaiv cov teeb meem nrog lub xeev ntawm lub thav duab yav tom ntej, nws yog ib qho tsim nyog yuav tsum tau ua kom nruj cov pob qhov rooj nrog cov khoom zoo thiab cov yuam sij tshwj xeeb.

coupling fittings rau pipelines
coupling fittings rau pipelines

Txoj kev sib txuas los ntawm txoj kev sib txuas ua kom muaj kev sib txuas zoo heev. Rau xws li kev sib dhos, tsis tas yuav ntiav cov kws tshaj lij kim. Nws yog txaus kom yooj yim txuas qhov npaj kawg ntawm tus pins thiab ruaj ntseg nrog cov hlau kheej kheej tsim nyog.

txiaj ntsig

  • Muaj peev xwm txuas cov pas nrig ntawm txhua lub kaum ntse ntse.
  • Tshwj xeeb txuas txuas ntxiv kom sib dhos siv.
  • Ib yam txuas txuas lavtxheej txheem docking zoo.
  • Kev siv nyiaj txiag ntawm kev siv tus pins.
  • Kev txuas txuas tuaj yeem siv yam tsis muaj kev txwv.
  • Ib qho yooj yim pom txoj hauv kev los tswj cov pob qij txha zoo.
  • Txawm hais tias cov pob zeb loj npaum li cas, qhov kev txhawb nqa lub tawb tseem nyob ruaj khov.
  • Tsis tas yuav ntiav cov kws tsim khoom tsim nyog txuag nyiaj txiag.
  • Lub zog raug faib sib npaug ntawm tag nrho qhov ntev ntawm tus pin.
  • Ntawm cov cuab yeej siv txo lub sijhawm tsim kho.
  • Threading yog ua los ntawm cov khoom siv thoob ntiaj teb los ntawm dov lossis stamping.

Kev txhim kho cov khoom sib txuas ua kom yooj yim thiab ua kom cov txheej txheem ntawm kev txhim kho cov vaj tsev monolithic. Kev xyaum ua pov thawj tias tus pas nrig ntev kaum meters ntev, sib sau ua ke nrog cov hlua khi, tsis yog qhov qis dua ntawm kev ntseeg tau thiab lub zog rau cov khoom (tsis muab faib ua ntu) pas nrig.

coupling armature nrog phau ntawv tsav
coupling armature nrog phau ntawv tsav

Coupling yeeb nkab fittings

Hnub no, kev lag luam khoom siv hauv tsev muaj ntau yam kev xaiv ntawm cov raj xa dej los ntawm cov ntaub ntawv sib txawv: lub sijhawm kuaj, muaj zog thiab ruaj khov cam khwb cia hlau, hlau thiab tooj dag tsis muaj zog tiv thaiv kev puas tsuaj. Cov yeeb nkab fittings ua los ntawm alloys ntawm txhuas, npib tsib xee thiab titanium tsis tshua nyiam. Lightness, plasticity, tsis tshua muaj nqi yog txawv los ntawm polymer reinforcement. Faucets thiab li qub ua los ntawm cov plooj (porcelain), ceramics thiab iav tuaj yeem khav theeb ntawm kev tiv thaiv rau txhua yam tshuaj.

Xaiv xauv cov ntsiab lus ntawm kev sib txuasfittings rau cov kav dej, nws raug nquahu kom tsom mus rau cov khoom siv ntawm kev tsim cov kav dej. Nrog cov ntaub ntawv zoo sib xws, ntau qhov ntsuas sib npaug:

  • Tshuaj muaj pes tsawg leeg ntawm cov kua.
  • Galvanic neutrality ntawm tag nrho cov raj xa dej.
  • Resistant rau mechanical puas.
  • Thermal identity.

Kev sib txuas ua ke fittings

A handwheel lossis kov mounted ntawm lub valve qia bushing, valve qia, tsav lub taub hau ncej, los yog built-in lub cev muaj zog ncej feem ntau hu ua ib tug tes tsav.

Kev tsav tsheb txav lub rooj vag valve. Cov tshuab no tau nruab rau hauv qhov chaw yooj yim rau kev saib xyuas.

coupling yeeb nkab fittings
coupling yeeb nkab fittings

Cov chaw taws teeb tswj cov chaw taws teeb tau siv ntau dua, tso cai rau kev tswj cov li qub nrog txhua txoj kab uas hla nruab rau hauv qhov chaw nkag tsis tau.

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